As usual, I had an itch for a good 1080p BluRay movie. I wasn't sure what I was gonna watch. So the first thing I did, was go straight to IMDB and searched their database for "Most popular Sci-Fi" movies. I have no idea how I eventually ended up in the Mystery, Thriller genre. I must have been on one of my insomnia kicks again.
So anyway, after reading the description and viewing the trailers, I decided that "The Machinist (2004)" was exactly what I needed to watch.
First of all, I have to mention that I painstakingly suffer from agonizing insomnia. No joke, and "you laugh because you think that I'm kidding, but I'm not" (credit to Dave Barry for that quote). Reading the IMDB description, I knew the movie was gonna touch some sensitive notes. Movie completely revolves around Christian Bales character who hasn't slept in over a year, trying to find peace of mind to produce sleep. That and trying to find his way through a self-induced psychosis. That was enough to catch my attention.
I don't wanna give away too much or ramble on and on like I usually do. Suffice it to say, that Bales performance and dedication to the performing arts was astonishing. Anyone that watched "Castaway" with Tom Hanks can tell you how much dedication went into to his character development. Gained several pounds of weight, and then lost a phenomenal amount of it for detail.
Exactly what Bale did in this movie, only very much to the extreme. I've got a couple of screen shots I'm gonna share.
Funny enough, Sam Worthington of "Terminator: Salvation", "AVATAR' and "Clash of the Titans" commented in an interview on "Rove" talk show, that Bale was a very serious and dedicated professional when it came to his characters. Very funny actually. I'm including the Youtube video of his interview where he comments this.
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