Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lost and Found: Season 6 premiere of LOST

"LOST" Season 06 premiere
(02 Feb 2010)

The season premiere of the last season of ABC's 'Lost'. "Lost and Found", is the title I'm giving this entry. A play on words really. With this last season, somehow, our friends, villains, others et. al. will somehow find there way off the island to civilization, or will remain on the island which they call home.

Tonight (02 Feb 2010 -- Tuesday), we were given a very unique experience, as far as TV series go. In a very "J.J. Abrams'", fashion, we were given quite the treat. We began our voyage with 3 hours of "Lost" entertainment. Lost Season 06E00 (the summary of season 5), Episode 01 (LAX part 1) Episode 2 (LAX part 2) were the much anticipated episodes of all Lost fans. We were not disappointed for our long wait.

"J.J. Abrams'", is a very active Tweep (Twitter member/user). He has a firm grasp of the power of social media hubs. Something that many other corporations have yet to master. He is down with the people, and talking to the people (in general mostly vs. individually). Many of "J.J. Abrams'" productions are highly intense, with a mass audience.

A summary of tonight's Season 06 atmosphere.
We (Losties as fans have come to be known) have been introduced to many concepts since season 03. Many Losties, in fact, could not keep up with the different concepts being thrown at the audience. We very quickly moved from the shows pilot of "mystery" and "fantasy" into the realm of science fiction. This was a problem for "Losties" that had no science fiction under their belts.
The shows flavor, quickly shifted from episodes seen in present tense, to episodes from 3yrs into the future with reference to the past on the island; Present tense to future tense referencing the past. You can see how this can blow your mind out of the water. The big kicker was, that the audience was never aware that the episodes were in the past, being referenced from the future, until the last two episodes of season 3. Very, very hard to keep up with for many. But most of us held true.
Season 4 brought us right into the future, 3 yrs from the rescue of Oceanic flight 815 (If you're getting 'Lost', you're not alone. You really have to be a hard-core "Lostie" to understand.)

To shorten this up, at the end of season 05, we are left with the conundrum of our main characters being in the past (in the Dharma initiative in the early 1970's), but some also being in the future.
The last we saw, was Jack attempting to implode the Swan station with a nuclear device, in the hopes that it will correct time and all of their woes and worries of being in the island, will somehow disappear through some temporal paradox of some kind. The last few minutes of Season 05 we see the juicy. The explosion that "kills" our characters in the past, and the "Jacob" we've all been hearing about for 5 years, being killed. What a way to end a season.

-- Season 06:
Finally. The fun of it all. We begin our episode 1 (LAX part 1) with all of our characters (including old and deceased ones) aboard the original Oceanic flight 815. Yes! They did it. They changed the past and prevented the catastrophes endured on the island. Everyone accounted for. That should be the end of the story of All things 'Lost'.

Of course it wasn't. We still have the rest of the season to fill. A sci-fi concept introduced to the show ( by "J.J. Abrams'" is the entire "Quantum mechanics" seen in many of our popular sci-fi shows such as the entire 'Star Trek' franchise, Stargates (all of them) etc. The idea, that time is not linear. The past, present and future are not always in that order. Further, in this sci-fi concept, two events, seeming to be mutually exclusive, actually are not.

The big question we've all been waiting for.
Q: "Did they do it?! Did the prevent Oceanic flight 815 from crash landing on the island with that HUGE explosion?"
A: Yes, and no.

Don't be so linear in thought; So 3-Dimensional. We have experienced a temporal paradox. I'm not really sure which one, as far as sci-fi standards go. Funny that eh. Causality maybe. (Look it up in Star-Trek-o-pedia or something).

We find that despite all of our main characters aboard Oceanic flight 815, that the original characters (from the future) are still trapped on the island; Seemingly 3-1/2 yrs in the future from our opening scene on Oceanic flight 815. Try to keep up. It gets really complicated in 3 hours of tying up loose ends.

Situation 1: Jacob is dead, killed by Benjamin Linus, at the order of "John". It turns out that "John" is actually the Smoke Monster. But really, just Jacob's nemesis, who found "a loop hole".

Situation 2: Our main characters, still on the island find themselves at what appears to be "The hatch" from the "Swan station". This, shortly after destroying what would've been the "Swan Station" SOB! Not to worry. We learn from a dying Juliet (who should've died in the nuclear detonation (keep up, I'm covering a lot in a very short time)) that they are actually NOT in the past where that detonation occurred, and that the "blown hatch" they found, is indeed the rubble of the nuclear detonation they made. There were no Dharma members to be found. In fact, the only thing we see, is "Jacob". Yes. The one who died an hour earlier (from the perspective of the show.) Quickly:
Jacob's orders:
1. Get to the temple to revive Sayid.
2. Give the guitar to whoever/whatever they find in the temple.
3. Tell the "Other's" (new leader now) that he (Jacob) is dead.
These orders are followed to the letter. Everybody in the temple runs and pours ashes around the inside of the temple, so as to protect themselves from "John" A.K.A. "The smoke monster".
Flare warnings are shot to warn everybody on the island.

Huge discovery here. All characters have somehow converged into the present. That is, the present in a time line as seen by the audience (3-1/2 yrs after the original crash of Oceanic flight 815. You know. The one that arrived safely at LAX 3-1/2 yrs earlier.

Still with me? Final scene in the "present", "John" A.K.A. "The smoke monster" has a score to settle with Richard. Richard is referenced as someone who wore chains at sometime. Into the jungle they both go, where nobody knows.

Situation 3: We continue to see flashes of the cast landing at LAX, safe and sound. Many things play themselves out in the order we would've expected from day 1 of the series pilot. However, there is one exception. Jack's father and coffin, still are missing.

All things seem to be where we would expected them (in a very fragmented sort of way). Let's end the show, and wait for next week. The cliff hanger we've all come to know.
Something is missing. Oh. Sayid who died at the temple, suddenly comes to life with the words, "What's happened?" My guess is that it is actually "Jacob" now. Just a poke in the dark.

I'll come back and clean up, this is my basic skeletal structure for the premiere of season 06 "Lost". Will they be or have they been found? Come back next week and read some more of the juicy.

"Lost and Found: Season 6 premiere"

"Jerry Zambrano"

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1 comment:

Jerry Zambrano said...

I forgot to mention, if you stop by, please leave a comment. Even if you didn't read the post.

